Mundus News Poland
Mundus News curates Poland's news in English with a comprehensive daily news summary from dozens of media sources, including TV and radio.
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Mundus News Poland
Curated for you
We curate Poland's news in English with a comprehensive daily news summary from more than a dozen sources, including TV and radio.
Mundus News is perfect for those needing to follow Polish news and current affairs and understand the diversity of views and opinion in Polish society.
We believe that unbiased reporting is essential. That is why we are proud to say that we don’t publish sponsored content or ads. You can trust that Mundus News is always focused on delivering factual and unbiased news.
6 sections in the mornings
NEWS: Curated from more than a dozen sources, including TV and radio
BUSINESS & THE ECONOMY: The key business, finance- and economic news
THE WRAP: Our editorial sweep gives you the position of Poland's major newspapers
SOCIETY: Our infographics gives you Polish culture, history and lifestyle
WHAT WE'RE READING: What international media is reporting about Poland and links to interesting reports and press releases
ON THE AGENDA TODAY: Key events leading the day’s agenda
How to subscribe
Mundus International has been a trusted news provider for embassies, NGOs, corporates, organisations and institutions since 2012. Professionals and diplomats for whom knowledge is key and who rely upon us for accurate and nuanced reporting.​
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